Data Hub supports connections to JSON files.
Define the following connection settings:
File Location. Specify the location of the JSON file using one of the following methods:
File. Type the path of the JSON file. This location must be accessible from the application web server. For example file:///C:/SalesFolder/Sales.json).
HTTP/HTTPS. Specify a URL for downloading the JSON file using the HTTP protocol. For example http://jsonfiles/Sales.json).
The referenced file or folder is reloaded each time the warehouse is processed.
JSON Path. Specify which part of the JSON file will be loaded as data.
Use $ to represent the root object.
Use $.part_name to represent an object, with the specified name, within the root object. For example: $.section1 means the section1 part within the root object).
User Name. If necessary, specify a user name for the file. If this setting is left blank, the application service user's credentials are automatically applied.
Only Basic HTTP Authentication is available.
Password. If necessary, specify a password for the file. If this setting is left blank, the application service user's credentials are automatically applied.