From a Sage X3 Cloud Solution


  • Data Hub v8 or later

  • Sage X3 Cloud

Create a new data model

  • Click New > Resource.

Select Source

  1. Under the Apps (API) section, select Sage X3 Cloud.

  2. From the source type pop-up, click Deploy on the Sage X3 Cloud entry tagged Model.


  1. Complete the following fields for the Sage X3 Cloud Connection:

    1. Data Gateway - Leave this item set to None unless you are using a Data Gateway.

    2. Endpoint URL - Endpoint URL - Use the appropriate Service URL (e.g. ....

    3. Caption Language - Select the language used to display user-friendly descriptions for elements stored by Sage X3 Cloud.

  2. Click Test Connection to ensure the connection to the database is valid.

  3. Click Next.

Configure Source

  1. Specify which entities to include for analysis by selecting or clearing the check box beside the entity names.

  2. Select the Primary Company check box for the primary entity (if there is more than one entity).

  3. Click Next.

Create Model

  1. Complete the following fields:

    1. Model Name - Enter a name for the new data model.

    2. Model Location - Click Browse and select a root directory for the data model using the Select Folder pop-up window. New folders can be created by right-clicking on existing folders and selecting New Folder.

    3. Model Server - Select an existing Model Server to use for this Data Model, or select Create new model server… to open a New Model Server tab.

    4. Model Database Name - Enter a name for the data warehouse table to be stored in Microsoft SQL Server. If the Model Database Name is already in use, attempting to create the model will not proceed until the Model Database Name is changed or the Ownership of the existing table is changed.

    5. Deploy Analytics - When checked, analytics provided by the Solution are deployed during model creation. When cleared, analytics will not be deployed during module creation and will need to be deployed later from the model task pane.

    6. Modules - Select the pre-packaged modules to be deployed for this data model.

  2. Click Create Model.

Select Data

  1. Select tables to be added as pipelines using the check box column.

  2. To add the pipelines to the data model, there are three options:

    1. Use Add Pipelines to add tables as individual pipelines.

    2. Use the Add Pipeline as Union of Tables option from the Add Pipelines drop-down menu, to add a single pipeline created from a union of the selected tables.

    3. Use Finish to add tables as individual pipelines.

  3. If Finish was not used to add pipelines, Click Finish to finalize the action.

Configure calendars
  1. Select from the four calendars provided:


    All four calendars start on January 1 by default. This can be changed using the calendar pane.

    1. Calendar YQMD - Calendar: Year, Quarter, Month, Day

    2. Calendar YWD - Calendar: Year, Week, Day

    3. Fiscal YQMD - Calendar: Year, Quarter, Month, Day

    4. Fiscal YWD - Calendar: Year, Week, Day

  2. Click Finish.