Manage background tasks

Background tasks, such as publication rules and data model process operations, can be viewed and managed using the Manage Background Tasks tab. Running times, status, and details about each task can be seen on this page.

List currently running background tasks

  1. To access all running tasks, open the background tasks page from the settings menu.

  2. Observe all tasks with the status of running.


  • Use the Date filter to eliminate or include certain tasks to make searching better.

  • Use the Search text-box to type the resource name or part to reduce results further.

Cancel a background task

  1. Open the background tasks page from the settings menu.

  2. Canceling a background task can be achieved in two ways:

    1. On the background tasks page, click the stop button to stop all queued and running tasks.

    2. Search for the tasks you want to stop via the search box or date filter, then right-click the task and click Cancel.