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Data Hub interface elements

Interface elements provide the ability to manipulate and work with Data Hub resources.

Title bar

The title bar provides always-available access to the Settings page, context-sensitive help. It also displays the currently logged-in user and their assigned role.

Title bar buttons



Notifications provide users with any system notifications, for example when the system is scheduled for routine maintenance.

User Profile

The user profile displays the user that is currently logged in.

Hover gives further information about the user's role, language, the organization they belong to, and their time zone.

Click gives a menu with actions relevant to the user profile.


Settings give users access to all available system settings that their particular role allows.


The help menu provides links to context-sensitive documentation and educational videos, as well as upcoming Q&A sessions, and other information about Data Hub.

Online Support Chat

Using the online support chat directly links to support for questions and feedback. Reponses will however be dependent on business hours and time zones.


The toolbar at the top of the screen contains tools relevant to the item open at the time. Based on the type of resource that is opened, a corresponding toolbar is displayed on the right of the bar, with functions relevant to the resource that was opened. These functions can be accessed at any time.

Resource ExplorerOpens the resource explorer
New resourceOpens the new resource drop-down menu.
RefreshRefreshes the current resource.
SaveSave the current resource.
Resource Options menuThe resource options menu provides options and functions relevant to the open resource.
EditEdit allows the user to go to the design mode for the particular resource. When the design mode is not relevant, the edit icon is disabled.

Certain options and tools will appear here only when they are relevant to a particular resource. Examples are the long-running query button (which will appear only when a report has a long-running query) and the number of pages button when a report's result spans more than one page.

Resource Explorer

The resource explorer stores and provides access to all data hub resources like analyses, dashboards, and models, in a hierarchical format.


It is best practice to organize resources into folders. This will ensure a clean and organized environment. By default, three main folders are present:

  • Favorites - all resources the user marks as favorites will appear here.
  • Public - Items in the public folder can be accessed and seen by all users of the system. Any user can save resources to the public folder.
  • Personal - This is your own personal folder (names with your login username). Items and resources placed into your personal folder are only accessible and visible by you.

Right-click options

You can right-click nodes in the Resource Explorer to access additional options. The available options vary, based on the type of node selected and whether or not a single node or multiple nodes are selected. Right-clicking one or more nodes in the Resource Explorer produces a context menu providing various options relevant to the resource(s) you right-clicked on.


Although designed for use with data model nodes, these right-click options are also available with other folders and resources in the Resource Explorer (e.g. analyses, charts, etc.).

The most common right-click options are:



Allows you to change the resource's name.


Duplicates the current resource by copying it into the clipboard.


Moves the current resource to the clipboard for relocation.


Copies the resource currently in the clipboard to the selected folder, which completes the duplication or movement operation started by copy or cut respectively.


Permanently and irrevocably removes the selected resource.

Get Link

Places a copy of the resource's URL into the clipboard, so you can embed it in another application such as Sharepoint or AX. this option only appears on resources that allow sharing via a URL.


Allows you to save the selected resources as a .zap file on your computer. This can be re-imported into other instances of Data Hub or shared with team members.


Allows you to save analyses and charts to your local computer.

Add to Favorites

Adds the selected resource to the favorites folder.


Displays a summary of the selected resource.


Displays the resource's properties on the resource's tab.


Displays the resource's security information on the resource's tab. This option only appears for items in the Public folder.

You can return to the resource itself by clicking the show main resource button on the tabs. toolbar.

New Folder

When a folder (or model node) is right-clicked, allows you to create a new child folder under the selected folder (or model node).

You can return to the resource itself by clicking the show main resource button on the tabs toolbar.

Import / Upload

Import a previously exported resource from your computer. This option also allows you to upload files into the resource explorer.

New resource

Allows you to create a new resource that will be placed in the selected folder location.


Translates text inside the selected resources.

Change Connection

Allows the connection to be changed for one or more resources selected. Entire folders can be selected to change the connection of all subsequent resources where a connection is relevant.

Review Calculation

Review selected resources that have been marked for review.

Map Resources

Map referenced resources in selected resources.

Missing Members

Remap missing cube members in the selected resources.


Validate all selected resources for errors.


Favorites allow you to create a custom list of your most-used resources.

You can specify a resource as a favorite using either of the following methods:

  • Open the resource, and on the Resource Options menu, choose Add to Favorites.
  • Right-click the resource in the Resource Explorer, and select Add to Favorites from the menu that appears.

You can also remove resources from your Favorites list by right-clicking them in the Favorites list in Resource Explorer and choose Remove from Favorites

Search feature

When using the search feature, note that:

  • Searches are not case-sensitive.
  • To search for an exact term, enclose the term in double-quotes ("") such as "Sales report".
  • When searching for partial resource names, do not enclose any terms in quotes. For example, the resource YTD Sales Report will not be shown if searching for "Sales Report".
  • Select a folder node (such as a Folder or Model) prior to entering a search term to search only within the selected node.
  • To clear the search box, click the ✖ button on the end of the search box.

Searching within the Resource Explorer can be refined by specifying the resource type or using resource tags:

  • Using the resource type - type: "model server" or type: "model server" <"resource name">
  • Using a resource tag - tag: Retail or tag: "tag name" <"resource name">

Available Resource Types for the Resource Explorer search

Resource TypeExamples

Analysis Report or Chart

type:"analysis report"

type:"analysis report" <"resource name">


type:analysis <"resource name">

Calculated Member

type:"calculated member"

type:"calculated member" <"resource name">

Comparison Event

type:"comparison event"

type:"comparison event" <"resource name">

Cube Changed Event

type:"cube changed event"

type:"cube changed event" <"resource name">

Cube Server

type:"cube server"

type:"cube server" <"resource name">



type:"dashboard" <"resource name">

Database Script

type:"database script

"type:"database script" <"resource name">

Data Source

type:"data source

"type:"data source" <"resource name">



"type:"drill-through" <"resource name">



type:function <"resource name">



type:image <"resource name">



type:model <"resource name">

Model Server

type:"model server"

type:"model server" <"resource name">

Named Set

type:"named set"

type:"named set" <"resource name">



type:pipeline <"resource name">

Publication Rule

type:"publication rule"

type:"publication rule" "resource name">

Report Pack

type:"report pack"

type:"report pack" <"resource name">

Resource Changed

type:"resource changed"

type:"resource changed" "resource name">

Rich Text

type:"rich text"

type:"rich text" <"resource name">



type:role <"resource name">

Scheduled Event

type:"scheduled event"

type:"scheduled event" <"resource name">



type:shape <"resource name">



type:solution <"resource name">

Tableau Data Source

type:"tableau data source"

type:"tableau data source" <"resource name">

Tableau Workbook

type:"tableau workbook"

type:"tableau workbook" <"resource name">

Unified Layer

type:"unified layer"

type:"unified layer" <"resource name">



type:webpage <"resource name">


Hotkeys are a key or combination of keys that allow you to quickly access functions within Data Hub. Hotkeys in Data Hub are pre-set and cannot be configured.

ctrl + sSave
ctrl + rRefresh
alt + wClose tab
shift + alt + wClose all tabs
ctrl + alt + wClose all other tabs
ctrl + pPrint
alt + nCreate new resource
Resource explorer
ctrl + cCopy resource
ctrl + xCut resource
ctrl + vPaste resource
delDelete resource
alt + enterOpen resource
Analysis and Rich Text Objects
ctrl + bBold
ctrl + iItalic
ctrl + uunderline
delClear cells or delete if all cells are empty
escDeselect cells
sEnter cell splitting mode

How to use the Toolbar

How to use the Titlebar

How to use the Resource Explorer