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June 2021

· 2 min read

Release number: K46

Data gateway auto upgrades

In previous versions of Data hub, whenever gateway updates became available, customers were required to download the new gateway installer and rerun it on the source server. With the new feature we improved this experience by enabling the gateway to update itself. Once a new update is available, it will automatically update the gateway the next time it is used, e.g. when a model's connection is tested. In order for the new gateway update to function, it requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8. This does require a once off manual installation on the gateway host.

Azure Data lake storage data source

With an increasing demand of big data storage, we are introducing the Azure data lake storage data source. Azure data lake storage Get2 with the hierarchical storage option provides a modern way to store and analyze big data blob files.

This data source will give you the ability to connect to hierarchical CSV blob files available on Azure data lake storage, and Zap will automatically merge and flatten the structure for further use in Data hub.

Performance enhancements

This release also contains performance enhancements and bug fixes to make Data Hub better for you.