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March 2020

· 3 min read

Connect to a REST API Datasource

The REST connector is a generic connector that lets you connect to a various REST APIs that:

  • Return XML or JSON as output.

  • Either require Oauth2 or no authentication.

Unlike other data source connectors that provide a pre-defined list of tables or endpoints, or an OData API that enumerates all available endpoints, a REST API doesn't enumerate endpoints therefore required to provide this list to issue requests and extract data.

The Postman Collection field achieves this by uploading a Postman Collection JSON file, exported from API development software: Postman. Although the most advanced users can edit an existing Postman collection, We recommend using Postman to create this JSON file.

For more information on creating a Postman Collection in Postman, go to

To export a Postman collection, go to

  1. On the Select Source screen, click REST, then CONNECT.

  2. Complete the details on the Connect Screen. If there is no authentication used, click Test Connection. If OAuth2 authentication is required, continue to Step 3.

  3. Complete the extra details for OAuth2 authentication.


The REST Data source UI includes several fields:

  • Data Gateway: optional and should not be required for this data source.

  • Postman Collection: expects a JSON file created in API-development tool: Postman.

  • Data Format: specifies the output of the REST API, which can be XML or JSON.

  • Authentication Type: supports OAuth2 or No authentication.

  • Authorization Token URL: the URL used to sign in to the OAuth provider and grant access to the application.

    • If 'redirect_ui', 'response_type', client_id' or 'state' query parameters are specified, they will be replaced by the values of the below field. Any other query parameters are allowed (e.g. scope).
  • Access Token URL: The URL used to request the access token.

  • Refresh Token URL: The URL used to refresh the access token.

    • The Refresh Token URL is usually the same as the Access Token URL.
  • Client ID: The Client ID provided by the OAuth application.

  • Client Secret: The Client Secret provided by the OAuth application.

  • Content Type: The body content type used when requesting OAuth token:

    • Form URL Encoded: default value that should work for most OAuth applications.

    • JSON: use JSON to force the request to use JSON format.

  • Once signed in, the OAuth access token is used to replace any Postman variables in the collection labelled ZAPAccessToken. For example, an Authorization header could be used with the value: Bearer {{ZAPAccessToken}}.

Sage 300 Datasource Company Restriction

When using Sage 300 with Data Hub, your plan may limit your company connections to three individual companies. If you attempt to process a model after adding a new company when your limit has been reached, you will receive the following error, and your model will not process.


You have two Sage 300 models in Data Hub. Model 1 has data from two companies. Model 2 has data from a third separate company. If you were to add a further company to model 2, you would exceed the three company limit, and therefore error would occur on both models when you attempt to process the

If you need to continue with the additional company(ies), you will need to upgrade your license.

Performance enhancements

The March 2020 release also contains performance enhancements and bug fixes to make Data Hub better for you.