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Semantic modeling glossary

TermDefinitionData Hub vs Industry TermLink
DimensionDimensions are tables representing business entities, for example Customer. Dimensions support filtering and grouping.IndustryAttribute
AttributeAttributes are the descriptive columns of a Dimension.  Day of Month in a Date dimension is such an exampleIndustryAttribute
Calculated MemberA reusable formula whose value is calculated using other member values (for example, by using a mathematical or logical operation). The member is dynamically calculated at the time of use.Data HubCalculated Members
CubeA multidimensional view of the data.  It is presented in SSAS and is only relevant to the dimensional semantic layer.IndustryCube
MeasureMeasures are the observation or event columns of a Fact table. Measure columns are almost always numeric.IndustryMeasure
FactFacts are tables that store observations or events, for example transaction amounts associated with an order. Facts support summarization.IndustryMeasure
MemberA single data value or cell in an OLAP cube, occurring at the intersection of data levels, attributes, hierarchies, and dimensions.IndustryMember
OLAPOnline Analytical ProcessingIndustryOLAP
Star Schema DesignThe "Star" schema refers to design where one Fact table can relate to many Dimension tables. This forms a "star" concept. For example Sales Orders Fact can relate to Dimensions: Customer, Product, Account and Date. The star schema consists of one or more fact tables referencing any number of dimension tables.IndustryStar Schema
Semantic LayerA Semantic Layer is a modeling layer where several approaches for data analytics is available.  In Data Hub two approaches exist currently.  A dimensional semantic layer for use with prebuilt Data Hub analytics, and a tabular semantic layer for use by PowerBI and other 3rd party toolsData HubThe complete guide to the Semantic Layer
Semantic ModelThe Semantic model in Data Hub can refer to either the "cube" when talking about dimensional modeling, or the tabular model.  It is the object that stores the physical data in its optimized reporting  form.Data Hub