How to
📄️ Add a Model Server
The installation (On-premise) or set-up (Data Hub Cloud) would have created a Model Server for you and you should not need to create any more. However, in some scenarios such as the use of a sand-box environment, you may require another Model Server to be added.
📄️ Add data to your model
Add a data source
📄️ Bring data into your Model with Pipelines
A Pipeline is a configurable resource that defines a source, steps that transform or augment the data, and a destination. The destination can be a warehouse table or a SQL statement that combines multiple tables
📄️ Connect to a Data Hub warehouse
Connecting directly to a Data Hub model warehouse is possible through SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or other third party tools e.g. Power BI.
📄️ Connect to on-premise data
Create a data gateway
📄️ Create a model from a data source
Excel will be used as a data source in the displayed example.
📄️ Modularize your model with module tags
Add a new tag to a resource
📄️ Move your model between environments
Data Hub provides users with the ability to move a model between environments. Any model with its accompanying resources can be migrated as a .zap file for easy import and export.
📄️ Optimize your Model with Keys and Indexes
This article describes how to optimize a model using keys and indexes. Adding keys and is an advanced optimization technique. Please see the performance guide for when you should add keys and indexes.
📄️ Parameterize your Model to avoid constants
Parameters can be added to two different locations within a Model, depending on the desired scope of the parameter:
📄️ Preview Data
📄️ Refresh Warehouse data or structure
Once a model has been configured, it needs to be processed. This creates the corresponding data warehouse and optionally the semantic layer. You can process the entire Model or specific Model Pipelines.
📄️ Relate your pipelines
Relationships define how the tables within the database relate to each other. Specifically, a relationship joins a primary key column in one table with a foreign key column in another.
📄️ Secure your model with a model role
Model roles provide defined levels of access to the cube for specified category of users. Model roles are managed using the roles list on the model's tab.
📄️ Transform your Data with Steps
A Step is a pipeline setting that configures the transformations to be applied to column(s) in the pipeline. Each step can have a different purpose and correlates to a set of nest views within the warehouse.
📄️ Use a database script
Database scripts allow you to execute commands (via T-SQL) at specific times during warehouse processing. The scripts are specified using the Database Scripts section on the model tab.
📄️ Work with columns
Change source-column selections