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Cloud release notes April 2022

Release number: K56

New Analytics Functions

4 new functions have been added to enhance returning specific members from a hierarchy.

These Member functions expect a Member and return the Last Sibling member of that Member (i.e. the last member within the same level as the From member), First Sibling member (i.e. the first member within the same level as the From member), Last Child member (i.e. the last child member of the From member level) or the First Child (i.e. the first child member of the From member level).

These functions are often use with a Date hierarchy, combined with a Current period functions such as Current Month. For example, First Child could be used to return the first day of the Current Month


Changes of behavior

Microsoft Graph support for Azure AD authentication

Microsoft is deprecating the current Azure Active Directory Graph API that was used to connect and configure Azure Active Directory in Data Hub as the authentication provider. 

ZAP is adding support for a new format: Microsoft Graph API in Data Hub cloud releases starting from this month. This new API requires reviewing the Application Permissions of your Azure AD Application by following the below steps:

  • Navigate to: API Permission>Microsoft Graph>Application Permissions

  • Add: the Directory.Read.All permission


Note that configuring Azure AD authentication in a cloud deployment of Data Hub is only available through the Support HelpDesk.

Performance Enhancements

Every release contains performance enhancements and bug fixes to improve Data Hub.

Date of publication 30 April 2022