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  • Data Hub v9.0 or later
  • SAP C4C

Add the SAP C4C data source

A SAP C4C data source can be added to a new or existing Data Model.

To add a SAP C4C data source to an existing Data Model:

  1. Open an existing data model from RESOURCE EXPLORER.
  2. Expand Data Sources.
  3. Click Add Data Source.

Select source

In the select source step:

  1. Under the Apps (API) section, select SAP C4C.
  2. From the source type pop-up, click Connect on the SAP C4C entry tagged Data Source.


To set up the connection between Data Hub and SAP C4C:

  1. Complete the following fields:
    1. Tenant - Enter the URL of the SAP C4C instance as a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). (e.g. <my_tenant>
    2. Username - Enter a valid SAP C4C user name with access to the target SAP C4C Tenant.
    3. Password - Provide the corresponding password for the SAP C4C user name.
  2. (Optional) Add advanced connection settings with either of the following:
    1. The Advanced pane on the Connect screen when adding the data source.
    2. The Properties pane when viewing an existing data source, under Advanced section.
  3. Click Test Connection to verify that Data Hub can connect to the SAP C4C database with credentials provided.
  4. Click Next to continue to the Select Data step.

Select data

To add tables from the SAP C4C database to the Data Model:

  1. Select tables to be added as pipelines using the check box column.

  2. To add the pipelines to the data model, there are three options:

  3. Click Add Pipelines to add tables as individual pipelines.

  4. Choose the Add Pipeline as Union of Tables option from the Add Pipelines drop-down, to add a single pipeline created from a union of the selected tables.

  5. Click Finish to add tables as individual pipelines and finalise adding the SAP C4C data source.


    If all the tables in the data source are selected, the pipeline will always perform a union on all tables from the data source, even if the table list changes. For example, if the data source contains only tables of sales for USA, UK, and Europe, selecting them all will union the three tables into a single pipeline. If a fourth table with sales for Australia is later added, it will automatically be included in the union for the pipeline.

  6. If the Finish button was not used to add pipelines, click Finish to complete adding the SAP C4C data source.

Select data screen elements

The Select Data screen contains the following elements:

  1. Select All/Clear

    1. If no table check boxes are currently selected, Select All can be used to select all of the tables in the source database.

    2. If one or more table check boxes are selected, clear (x) can be used to clear all the selected tables.

  2. Show selected tables only - Hides all tables where the check box column is currently cleared (not selected).

  3. Hide tables without rows - Hides all source tables that do not contain data.

  4. Select Add Pipelines to add all selected tables to the data model as individual pipelines. Two options are provided in the drop-down:

    1. Add Pipelines: Same function as the Add Pipelines button.

    2. Add Pipeline as Union of Tables: Creates a single pipeline from the union of the selected tables from this data source.

  5. Finish - Adds the selected tables as individual pipelines and finalizes adding the SAP C4C data source. Once the request has been processed, Data Hub opens the Data Model Overview.

  6. The filter row - The first row of the Select Data table is the filter row. Use the fields to filter rows based on column contents. To clear all filters, either delete the entered text or use the Clear filter icon at the end of the row.

  7. The Select Data step table - A table showing the tables present in the data source.

Select data table columns

The SAP C4C Select Data table contains the following columns:

  • The check box column - Select to create a pipeline for this source table.
  • Table - The database table name.
  • Relationships - Shows source tables that share relationships with the current table. These relationships join tables, allowing for easier report building.