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Reckon One


The Reckon One Data Source is a connector to the Reckon One online accounting software Reckon One. The Data Source accesses data that is exposed by the Reckon One API V2.

This guide details the minimum configuration required to connect to Reckon One from the Reckon One Data Source in Data Hub.

Reckon One plans

Access to certain Reckon One tables can be blocked by a user's plan Reckon One plans.

Currently, the following plans are required for accessing certain tables:

  • Accounting Plus - Bills
  • Payroll Essentials - Employee

If you encounter issues with accessing those tables, please review your plan, the Troubleshooting section, and review the role permissions for your user.


To connect to Reckon One, a user with required permission to access standard tables is required.

Zap provides general guidance in this article and only offers limited assistance for the following steps which are subject to change by Reckon. Please contact your partner or Zap support for any issues with configuration.


User permissions

The Reckon One Data Source requires a user with minimum permissions. A user must have access to certain modules to access the tables offered by the Data Source. The most appropriate way of gaining access is through Roles. If permissions are not an issue for your situation, you can use the default Limited role, which gives permissions to all tables; however, it is recommended to create your own role.

Follow the steps below for creating a custom Role for the purposes of accessing data from the Reckon One data source:

  1. Log into your Reckon One Book and go to Administration (circular cogwheel icon) menu in the top right and go to Settings.

  2. Select Roles under the General section.

  3. Select the Add button to create a new role or Edit an existing role.

  4. Select the required permissions as denoted in the table below.

  5. Save and close.

Role permissions

These permissions have been split up based on potential use cases.

TypeModulePermissionPermission Type
RequiredAdministrationBusiness settingsView
AR and SalesDay to dayInvoicesView
Customer adjustment notesView
Contact CentreCustomersView
AR and PurchasingDay to dayBillsView
Supplier adjustment notesView
Contact CentreSuppliersView
Reporting - Financial ReportsTrial BalanceView
Reporting - Analytics ReportsBudgetsView
Day to dayReceiptsView

Connect to the data source

To setup the connection between Data Hub and Reckon One, complete the following fields:

  1. Sign-in with your Reckon One user.

    • Additional settings are listed under Advanced Settings:
      • Page Size - The number of rows returned per page in Reckon One's API request.
      • Demo Book ID - To gain access to a demo book as a company, please provide the demo book id that your user has access to.
      • Skip API permission errors - See Troubleshooting
  2. Click Test Connection.

Troubleshooting errors

When accessing a table that a user does not have access to, it may result in an error, or no data returned. If you encounter this issue, please review your permissions.

To help with debugging the issue, the Data Source provides the Skip API permission error option in the advanced settings of the Data Source. If no data is returned for a table, turn off this option and then reattempt to access this table to gain insight into the potential error causing the issue.