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System administrators

System administrators are the highest level of user available in Data Hub and have overriding access to all resources in all organizations, as well as other privileges.

Although this user type is created when Data Hub is installed, you may find it necessary to add additional system administrators or restore users who have lost their system administrator permissions.

Role of system administrators

In Data Hub, system administrators are users, or users in groups, who have been assigned to the System Administrator role in the Global organization. They have overriding access to all resources in all organizations and can:

  • View, add and remove users from the System Administrator role in the Global policy.
  • Perform the following additional actions on the Settings screen:
    • Configure application settings.
    • Configure language settings.
    • Manage Licenses.

The first user to log in to Data Hub is added to the Global policy as a System Administrator (and as an Administrator of the Default Organization). Additional system administrators can then be added by that user if needed.

The Users and Groups tab is used to add new system administrators.

However, as a fallback, Security Services can be also be used in those cases where administrator access to the application has been accidentally removed, as described in Adding a System Administrator via Security Services.

Add a system administrator via security services

In the rare case where permissions have been accidentally removed from all system administrators, system administrator access can be restored using the Security Services page.


Prerequisite - The ability to log on to the computer hosting the application's web server is required.

  1. Using Microsoft Remote Desktop or a similar application, log on to the computer with the instance of Internet Information Services (IIS) that the Data Hub web application is running on.

  2. Open a web browser on the computer.

  3. Paste the following address into the web browser's address bar, then press ENTER.


  4. On the web page that appears, click Invoke.

    This action assigns the System Administrator role in Data Hub to the Local Administrators group on the web server computer. All local administrators on the web server will now be able to log in to Data Hub as system administrators.

  5. Further system administrators may then be added (and the Local Administrators group removed if needed) using the Data Hub Settings page.