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Microsoft SQL Server

Supported versions of SQL Server

Data Hub supports connections to SQL Server 2008R2, 2012, 2014, and 2017 source databases. Later versions may also work.

Connect to the data source

  1. Server - The name of the SQL Server instance that hosts the database you want to access. Just the server name may be entered if there is only one SQL Server instance on that server. If the server hosts multiple instances, use the syntax ServerName\InstanceName. You can type in the instance name directly, or choose from a list of instances on your local network using the drop-down list.

  2. Authentication - You can provide credentials to authenticate to the SQL Server instance specified above in two ways. The method used will depend on how your SQL Server instance is configured:

    1. Windows login - Enter a Windows user name and password.

    2. SQL Server login - Enter a SQL Server user name and password.

  3. Username - Type a user name in the same form you use to log in directly to Windows or SQL Server (depending on which authentication method you chose above). This may be just a user name, or it may include the domain name in canonical form (domain\user) or UPN form (user@fully-qualified_domain_name), depending on your environment.

  4. Password - Type the password for the specified user name.

  5. Database - Type a database name to use as the data source, or select the database from a drop-down list of databases found on the specified SQL Server instance.

Set advanced data source properties

Optional advanced connection settings can be configured for this data source using either of the following:

  • Optional advanced connection settings can be configured for this data source using either of the following:

    1. Advanced panel on the Connect screen when adding the data source.

    2. Properties panel when viewing an existing data source, under the Advanced section.

Automated SQL features

Current user session parameter

Data Hub automatically assigns a variable to the session context function on all SQL database connections.

If a MARS batch sets a key-value pair, the new value will not be returned in other MARS batches on the same connection unless they started after the batch that set the new value completed. If multiple MARS batches are active on a connection, values cannot be set as "read_only".

Row-Level security

Data Hub enables Row-Level Security which allows group membership or execution context to control access to rows in a database table.

The access restriction logic is located in the database tier rather than away from the data in another application tier. The database system applies the access restrictions every time that data access is attempted from any tier. This makes security more reliable and robust.