Google Analytics

Google account prerequisites

You need to configure a Google Analytics account and download a private key file before using this data source.


This procedure is not meant to be a detailed explanation of how to set up a Google Analytics account, it is a simple guide that provides basic information. If you need more details, refer to the Google Analytics documentation or contact your Google Analytics administrator.

  1. If necessary, create:

    1. A Google account

    2. A Google Analytics account

  2. Access the Google API console from the following website:

  3. From the Google API console, perform the following steps:

    1. On the left side of the screen, click Credentials.

    2. If necessary, create a service project.

    3. Click Create credentials, and select Service account key.

    4. Select New service account, and specify the necessary settings.

    5. n the Key type area, select P12.

    6. Click Create.

    7. Download a new private key file.

  4. From your Google Analytics account, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Admin (cog icon) option.

    2. Type the service account's email address in the Add permissionsfor text box.

    3. Verify that Read & Analyze is selected from the corresponding drop-down list.

    4. Click Add.

Known limitations

Google Analytics only allows up to 10 metrics and 7 dimensions in a single query.

For more information, refer to the following website:

Connect to the data source

To connect to the Google Analytics data source, you must first connect to Google Analytics. Once connected, your account information is read, allowing you to specify Google Analytics-specific options.

  1. Specify the following connection settings to connect to Google Analytics:

    • Service Account Email. Specify the Google API service account email address to be used for accessing Google Analytics. The account needs to be granted read access to each Google Analytics profile/view to which you want to connect.

    • Private Key File. Upload the service account private key file (in P12 format).

    • Private Key Password. Specify the password for the service account private key file.

  2. Click Test Connection.

  3. If the connection is successful, the following settings become available and can be configured:

    1. Account - Select the Google Analytics account from which data will be read.

    2. Web Property - Specify the web property from which data will be read.

    3. Profile/View - Specify the profile/view from which data will be read.